Sixty-eight Nerd Nite Edmonton shows have come and gone, and to wrap our 2022 season, NNYEG #69 (Nice) has a sexy, sexy theme. What are the Nerd-Bosses’ sexy credentials? Well, we have 1.25 kids each, so we must know something.
When: November 24, 2022, at 7:30 pm
(Doors & bar open at 7:00pm and the Fringe Grounds Cafe is open until 8:00!)
Where: Studio Theatre at Fringe Theatre Adventures
ATB Financial Arts Barns building, 10330 84 Ave NW, Edmonton
How much: $25
Dana Sanderson: From Oosiks to Dog Dicks: Hard Facts About Baculums
Instagram: @biology_is_neato
Dana is a lab technician in the biology department of MacEwan University. On the side he builds custom skeleton articulations and other oddities, and will frequently tell people more than they’d ever care to know about animal genitals.
Everyone knows that “boner” is just a fun euphemism, and that penises don’t actually have bones, right? Wrong! Well, at least for some orders of mammals. This talk explores the weird world of baculums, so you too can learn some fun facts and be “that guy” at your next social gathering.
Holly Von Sinn: Burlesque or The Art of Getting Naked for Fun and Profit
Twitter: @HollyVonSinn
Instagram: @HollyVonSinn
Holly Von Sinn(they/them) has been a professional burlesque arts for almost 15 years. Having travelled across Canada, the US, and Europe, they have seen it all and then some. They have trained and performed with some of the biggest names in burlesque and have spent the last 10 years teaching the next generation of performers. Needless to say, they have a thing or two to say about this often overlooked art form.
This talk will center on what makes burlesque a unique and exciting art form, touching on its past and looking to the future.
Angel Sumka: Kinky, Nerdy & Queer
Facebook: /aspecc
Twitter: @aspecc_ca
Instagram: @aspecc_Ca

Kinky, Nerdy & Queer: Current research has some interesting findings as to the intersection between gender, sexuality and neurodivergence-including alternative lifestyles, asexuality and more! Join Angel for a look at some of the research trends and findings.
Angel is a queer, neurodivergent sex educator with ASPECC (Advocating for Sex Positive Education and Consent Culture). With a passion for all things consent-minded, Angel is one of the original founders of the organization and has a master’s in counselling psychology.